Cloud view problems

The "best" way to crash the game is to go to cloud view. This was also the problem with previous client versions. Overall, the stability has improved, but CV remains a problem.
We're looking into how to improve the stability when entering Cloudview. One tip for this is to let the map download before entering the Cloudview. It seems that most crashes happen if the map hasn't fully loaded yet.
Trouble with that is you can't then try to avoid banish, if you happen to login in an are that is swarming with enemy.
The lag issue is still there in 1.1.2

The quick links to warp to our own beacons are great. Is there any possible way you can show the beacons a player has by listing them in their profile and giving us a button to warp to that beacon? It would save two minutes of tapping an cloudview lag, make battles faster and more epic with more players and make it far easier to get there as a team before the city is wiped out... All because of lag and tapping like a monkey through beacons in cloudview. I don't like how I have to tap 45 times to find a gate I want and then start over if I pass it. Thats almost two minutes wasted and my teammates need support faster than that. Wars are lost in faster than two minutes...
I'm not certain if it would be excessively difficult or unrealistic to implement something like this: but a dropdown menu of those active friend beacons (similar to quicklink dropdown of our own constructs) just a name/place/port button would make locating people, coordinating and navigating much friendlier and timely.

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