Information and answers thread

Max HP for dominators was just increased to 4358. HPs for beacons and wards remain unchanged.
Added different max HP and a note about Hide and Seek changes to the dominators. Thanks, Motorslave!
I don't think this statement is true...

"To conquer a gateway, you must have more of your team’s dominators attached to a gateway than the enemy."

I believe that who ever puts the first dominator on the gateway conquers it. In order to convert a gateway you have to destroy ALL of the enemy dominators on it first.
I'm not sure about that myself, having not had the chance to test it. However, that is what is said in the Shadow Cities help itself (Dominate neighborhoods by summoning Dominators to Energy Gateways. Conquer a Gateway by summoning more Dominators than the enemy has on a specific Gateway.) If you've been able to test this and proven it's not true, then I'll change it.
I was 99% sure but I decided to test it anyway. I just grabbed my daughter (an animator) and we drove out to the nearest neutral gateway. I put a dom on it and it turned orange. She put two doms on it and it stayed orange. I destroyed my dom and the gateway turned green. I know the game documentation says that numbers win. Maybe it's a bug, but that's not the behavior I've seen from gateways in the few weeks that I've been playing the game.

Edited by KrazyPete (July 5, 2011 02:41:43)

Okay then. I shall change that. Thank you very much, KrazyPete and Daughter (though shame on you, Daughter, for turning your back on the Architect Academy and going off with those hippies! )
Gateway conquering info has been fixed, and warp levels for the various structures has been added.
I know the game documentation says that numbers win. Maybe it's a bug, but that's not the behavior I've seen from gateways in the few weeks that I've been playing the game.

That's obsolete info in the help. It used to work this way during beta.

Most level 10 information has been added to several topics, spell costs corrected (level 8 had level 9's costs, and level 8's costs weren't on the table)

Thanks, Lakuja, for explaining that.
I'm not sure about that myself, having not had the chance to test it. However, that is what is said in the Shadow Cities help itself (Dominate neighborhoods by summoning Dominators to Energy Gateways. Conquer a Gateway by summoning more Dominators than the enemy has on a specific Gateway.) If you've been able to test this and proven it's not true, then I'll change it.

This was true before actually, but has later been changed. You need to destroy all enemy structures that are attached to a gateway before you can conquer it by summoning your own dominator. Will update the Help accordingly!

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