My Protest of YOUR Bad Behavior
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
Players using a GAME to be abusive toward each other pushed me to protest. Rather than just enjoy competition in a great atmousphere, so many choose to use an online application to be abusive to each other. This act of protest is for one purpose: to say I'M FED UP WITH MEANNESS in such a beautiful gift Gray Area Labs has given us.
Go ahead - delete and report me. Then think how this is a reaction to countless hours of abusive behavior I have witnessed time and again.!/photo.php?fbid=267789733334379&set=a.107382312708456.15423.100003100623935&type=1&theater
Go ahead - delete and report me. Then think how this is a reaction to countless hours of abusive behavior I have witnessed time and again.!/photo.php?fbid=267789733334379&set=a.107382312708456.15423.100003100623935&type=1&theater
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
Oh course as this was happening, the name calling and abuse over chat and forums kept rolling in. For some reason so many of you think it is OK to be a$$holes to me and others when we are all fellow human beings. Then there were the pleas to stop (it lasted maybe 2 hours altogether of this writing) from those who care more about some points (in a round that will just start over again) than actually acting compassionate to one other or realising that our human connections to each other REALLY DO MATTER.
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
Now I expect I will be blamed, and slandered. Go ahead and do it here in this forum post: show us all just how mean you can be. Then when you are done, reflect again on the fact that being mean LOSES respect, not earns it.
- Justine
- Magister
That Facebook link gives me: "This content is currently unavailable
The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."
The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
For those of you without facebook, here is a description of my protest:
I used about 60 alts, level 4 (these were origionally created only for buliding dom chains to explore areas that have little to no cell service nor wifi and were never used to harvest energy) to summon over 130 doms on my spawn.
I then posted in chat and a public status saying that I was protesting.
I screenshotted my posts and put them on facebook - being clear the whole time that this was a response to the abuse players display.
I pasted the facebook link into a SC group page for exposure and then posted here.
Last, I went back to SC to give out this topic number.
I used about 60 alts, level 4 (these were origionally created only for buliding dom chains to explore areas that have little to no cell service nor wifi and were never used to harvest energy) to summon over 130 doms on my spawn.
I then posted in chat and a public status saying that I was protesting.
I screenshotted my posts and put them on facebook - being clear the whole time that this was a response to the abuse players display.
I pasted the facebook link into a SC group page for exposure and then posted here.
Last, I went back to SC to give out this topic number.
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
That Facebook link gives me: "This content is currently unavailable
The page you requested cannot be displayed at the moment. It may be temporarily unavailable, the link you clicked on may have expired, or you may not have permission to view this page."
You are the second person to say this. I just went in and changed my security settings to public.
here is the link to the mobile pic area, I hope it works:!/photo.php?fbid=267789263334426&set=a.107382312708456.15423.100003100623935&type=3&theater
If this does not work, friend me on facebook : Feral Childe
Edited by FeRaLcHiLdE (July 26, 2012 17:14:21)
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
Works now. Here's a shortened link that I have tested -
Tiny URL?
Thank you
- Anvar
- Archmage
Dude, I'm done with your shenanigans. I tolerated it when it was funny, but this is beyond the pale. I won't step in this pile of mess again (apologies to all my teammates), and I'd ask that neither you nor Uwe attempt to communicate with me any longer. You've brought much sorrow to the Shadow Cities.
- FeRaLcHiLdE
- Enlightened
Dude, I'm done with your shenanigans. I tolerated it when it was funny, but this is beyond the pale. I won't step in this pile of mess again (apologies to all my teammates), and I'd ask that neither you nor Uwe attempt to communicate with me any longer. You've brought much sorrow to the Shadow Cities.
I'm sorry you took it personally. I wouldn't call these shenanigans and I certainly wasn't trying to be funny. (I currently have 2 counts of stalking pending on a player who physically threatened me.) I am dead serious about people treating each other well.
That this is a game does not undermine the fact that it is a social network with real people behind those glass screens. The day ANY of us make earning points in a game more important than treating each other with dignity is the day to stop and check ones self. Nobody - I mean NOBODY - else seems to have the moral uprightness to stand up for repecting our human qualities here. So I did.
Regarding sorrow: this is not true sorrow. It may have been dramatic and perhaps unpleasant for many. GOOD! If that's what it takes to catch people's attantion than so be it. Putting up with slander, name calling, threats and in-game abuse like camping is not OK just because some players have psychological or sociological imbalances. It is certainly not healthy fun.
Get angry, get fed up, or whatever suits you. Then reflect on what I am saying here with this action. I am not afraid of osterization but I AM afraid of what is happening to our communities with the abusive behavior. Search your feelings, explore your morals and then reflect: you will find that however annoying I am, I am right about this.
Edited by FeRaLcHiLdE (July 26, 2012 18:15:18)