Protecting your home.

For the beginning mage, protecting your home can be a daunting task, especially if you have opposition close at hand. Until you learn the ward spell, it can be quite tough, but there is one tip I have seen little use of that is vital. It isn't that you kill your attacker, it is that your home becomes too much work to destroy.

Aria of Light, it is a healing spell, but it is also a reinforcement spell. If you cast it on a structure such as a dominator or beacon that is already at full health it actually INCREASES its maximum health. So your new little dominator with the 500hp is an easy target..until you beef it up to a solid 2500 hp. If you do this to all your structures, even the most experienced mages will be required to take more time then they probably wish to to destroy all your structures since the rewards for expending that much mana are fairly low in the end. This technique can be used on dominators, beacons and even wards. So young mages, protect yourself.
Wow. Wish i'd known this before the beacon exploit screwed me over last night.
To state that you can buff up a 500 HP Dominator to a solid 2500 HP is a little misleading. You can buff it about 5 times or so before you get very little out of each healing spell. The diminishing returns really kicks in after this. You will notice the HP drop from in the 200's down to the 10's. Regardless, it is still beneficial to boost them up as soon as you can, just don't expect quite such lofty numbers.
Very true, however, you can still buff it up that high if you want to spend the mana on it. It is possible to, though it is a pain and really, there are better things to spend your mana on.

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