Spirit-iary [Updating][Now with Arachne Weaver info!]

CAMPAIGN NOTE: An incredibly powerful spirit has entered our world, the frightening Arachne Weaver. This is a spirit of the likes we have never seen before. If you see one of these mighty beasts napping in your back yard, you'd better hide your kids, hide your wife, and call your friends 'cuz he's rapin' errbody out here. Seriously though -- be prepared; it packs quite a punch.

The Spiritiary is a collection of data related to all spirits within the game. It's a community project and spirit stats change relatively often so the data becomes outdated and must be updated so all help in collecting data is greatly appreciated

If you want to contribute, please provide the following information:
-Spirit Name
-Spirit Rarity[Normal, Uncommon, Rare]*
-Average Damage
-Experience Earned
-Energy Earned

*Designated by the stars on the ring beneath the spirit:
0 = Normal
1 = Uncommon
3 = Rare

Gabriel has also made a handy chart relating to the overall energy to mana cost value of spirits depending on level in the second post of this thread. To make life simpler, here's a link: Gabriel's Spirit Chart

Tutorial Spirits

Name              Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Spirit of Winter          10    0       0    0
Spirit of Summer          10    0       0    0
Fire Spirit               10    0       0    0

House Tiermes

Name       Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Huldra             50    75      50   1
Aarni              180   105     70   2
Jotunn             300   ???     82   2
Eksitaja           450   190     102  3
Einherjar          650   265     128  3
Hiid       *       220   112     92   3
Ajatar     *       510   170     153  3
Peikko     *       970   300     256  4
Staalo     *       1350  415     342  5
Vittra     ***     460   155     164  5
Fenrir     ***     680   230     219  5
Valkyrie   ***     1020  265     304  5
Vanr       ***     1560  460     439  8

House Drioma

Name       Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Domovoi            50    75      50   1
Beregenia          100   ???     56   1
Bagiennik          250   ???     76   2
Mara               430   180     103  2
Devana             550   235     115  3
Vytiaz             700   300     134  3
Skrzak     *       310   215     109  3
Leshii     *       700   220     194  4
Bogatyr    *       1240  350     317  4
Vodianoi   ***     300   120     124  4
Rusalka    ***     720   220     229  5
Ovinnik    ***     1110  370     327  6
Likho      ***     1700  460     474  12

House Inrik

Name             Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Rarog                    50    75      50   1
Cikavac                  150   105     63   2
Vesna                    350   ???     89   2
Psotnik                  530   210     116  3
Alkonost                 600   245     121  3
Irod             *       210   120     90   3
Veela            *       400   ???     128  3
Bannik           *       720   260     196  4
Marzanna         *       1270  420     322  5
Kikimora         ***     370   ???     142  4
Samodiva         ***     770   250     242  5
Zmey             ***     1550  405     437  6
Koschei          ***     1750  480     487  15

House Dannan

Name             Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Kelpie                   50    75      50   1
Ellylldan                100   90      56   1
Urisk                    230   120     77   2
Bucca                    400   ???     95   2
Phouka                   500   195     108  3
Cu Sith                  680   280     135  3
Korrigan         *       250   ???     97   3
Far Darrig       *       580   200     167  4
Ellyyllon        *       1050  315     273  4
Gwyllgi          ***     330   ???     132  4
Nuggie           ***     580   200     194  5
Gwyllion         ***     860   245     264  5
Sidhe            ***     1140  310     334  5
Theena Shee      ***     1600  450     449  10


Name             House    Rarity  HP     Damage  EXP  Energy
Arachne Weaver   Dannan   ***     25000  ???     ???  A Lot

More Info: At times, the Arachne Weaver may produce red and gold "dust" STAY OFF OF THIS. Being on the dust will deal constant damage between 100-200 and HEAL the Arachne Weaver in the process. When the Arachne Weaver falls to the ground in a "resting" state, it has gone into deflect mode. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT attack it during this time. Your attack will be deflected back at you and the Arachne Weaver will also be healed. It's capable of hitting 1500+ although hits that high are uncommon, so be on your toes.

The Arachne Weaver is also special in that structures, especially beacons, may be destroyed by its existence in an area.

Side Note: The Arachne Weaver, despite having an Air Dannan symbol, does not count as an Air spirit. It does, however, count for colorless rare spirit missions, giving a black spider symbol for the mission. It is unknown why there is such a discrepency between the overworld symbol and mission symbol.

Lost Spirits

Name             House    Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Baldr's Bonfire  Tiermes  ***     3000  550     500  25
Spring of Lenus  Dannan   ***     2500  375     500  150
Breath of Khaos  Inrik    ***     2000  ???     500  75

Air Spirits

Name         House    Rarity  HP    Damage  EXP  Energy
Rusalka      Drioma   ***     900   215     400  20
Ovinnik      Drioma   ***     1290  ???     ???  20
Theena Shee  Dannan   ***     1780  450     500  20
Valkyrie     Tiermes  ***     1200  ???     ???  20
Kikimora     Inrik    ***     550   ???     250  20
Zmey         Inrik    ***     1730  ???     ???  20

Huge thanks to Gabriel, Derek413, Hotair10, JimShorts365, Jynxed, Ndoto, HeavyMental, Saffury, Malater, Elderwolf, Verdoknight, Relic, Adk3, Torakashi, LordYeroc, Glare, Phantom-Panda, Gremis, Jack1021, Dayshou, TrailerTash, Zync, Elaine, Platonic, Iphi, KrazyPete, JKEndymion and Hyac for helping me collect data!

Edited by Seil (Sept. 27, 2011 19:36:27)

The best spirits to capture vary from level to level. A basic poll of 28 mages got me average damage data for each level from 11-15, and with that, I've put together this list of average energy per war chant so you can see which spirits give you the most bang for your buck. Average damage is ~20 hp weaker than calculated to take into account spirit regeneration.

Following each spirit name will be a short mention of their house (Dannan, Drioma, Inrik, or Tiermes) and their rarity. At the very bottom is a list of all spirits in alphabetical order with a numerical ranking of which order you should capture them in if you have a choice, for maximum energy gain.

These numbers do NOT take into account crit successes or failures, pauses for arias, or pots quaffed.

   At  |    Level 11     |    Level 12     |    Level 13     |    Level 14     |    Level 15     |
       |     270 dam     |     340 dam     |     350 dam     |     410 dam     |     450 dam     |
Best   |      3 en/wc    |      4 en/wc    |      4 en/wc    |      4 en/wc    |      4 en/wc    |
       | Hiid (T*)       | Gwylligi (Da***)| Gwylligi (Da***)| Gwylligi (Da***)| Gwylligi (Da***)|
       | Irod (I*)       | Vodianoi (Dr***)| Vodianoi (Dr***)| Kikimora (I***) | Kikimora (I***) |
       | Korrigan (Da*)  |                 |                 | Vodianoi (Dr***)| Vodianoi (Dr***)|
Excel- |    2.5 en/wc    |      3 en/wc    |      3 en/wc    |    3.1 en/wc    |    3.6 en/wc    |
lent   | Vittra (T***)   | Hiid (T*)       | Hiid (T*)       | Bonfire (T***)  | Bonfire (T***)  |
       |                 | Irod (I*)       | Irod (I*)       |                 |                 |
       |                 | Korrigan (Da*)  | Korrigan (Da*)  |                 |                 |
       |                 | Skrzak (Dr*)    | Koschei (I***)  |                 |                 |
       |                 |                 | Skrzak (Dr*)    |                 |                 |
Very   |    2.1 en/wc    |    2.8 en/wc    |    2.8 en/wc    |      3 en/wc    |      3 en/wc    |
Good   | Bonfire (T***)  | Bonfire (T***)  | Bonfire (T***)  | Hiid (T*)       | Eksitaja (T)    | 
       | Koschei (I***)  |                 |                 | Irod (I*)       | Hiid (T*)       |                 
       |                 |                 |                 | Korrigan (Da*)  | Irod (I*)       |
       |                 |                 |                 | Koschei (I***)  | Korrigan (Da*)  |
       |                 |                 |                 | Skrzak (Dr*)    | Koschei (I***)  |
       |                 |                 |                 | Veela (I*)      | Likho (Dr***)   |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Skrzak (Dr*)    |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Veela (I*)      |
Good   |      2 en/wc    |    2.5 en/wc    |    2.5 en/wc    |    2.5 en/wc    |    2.5 en/wc    |	
       | Aarni (T)       | Fenrir (T***)   | Fenrir (T***)   | Fenrir (T***)   | Fenrir (T***)   |
       | Bagiennik (Dr)  | Koschei (I***)  | Nuggie (Da***)  | Nuggie (Da***)  | Gwyllion (Da***)|
       | Cikavac (I)     | Nuggie (Da***)  | Vittra (T***)   | Rusalka (Dr***) | Nuggie (Da***)  |
       | Gwylligi (Da***)| Vittra (T***)   |                 | Samodiva (I***) | Rusalka (Dr***) |
       | Kikimora (I***) |                 |                 | Theena          | Samodiva (I***) |
       | Urisk (Da)      |                 |                 | Shee (Da***)    | Theena          |
       | Vodianoi (Dr***)|                 |                 | Vittra (T***)   | Shee (Da***)    |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Vittra (T***)   |
Decent |    1.7 en/wc    |    2.4 en/wc    |    2.4 en/wc    |    2.4 en/wc    |      2 en/wc    |
       | Fenrir (T***)   | Likho (Dr***)   | Likho (Dr***)   | Likho (Dr***)   | Aarni (T)       |
       | Likho (Dr***)   |                 |                 |                 | Bagiennik (Dr)  | 
       | Nuggie (Da***)  |                 |                 |                 | Bannik (I*)     | 
       | Rusalka (Dr***) |                 |                 |                 | Bucca (Da)      | 
       | Samodiva (I***) |                 |                 |                 | Cikavac (I)     | 
       | Theena          |                 |                 |                 | Far Darrig (Da*)| 
       | Shee (Da***)    |                 |                 |                 | Jotunn (T)      |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Leshi (Dr*)     |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Mara (Dr)       |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Ovinnik (Dr***) |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Urisk (Da)      |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Vanr (T***)     |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Vesna (I)       |
Okay   |    1.5 en/wc    |      2 en/wc    |      2 en/wc    |      2 en/wc    |    1.7 en/wc    |
       | Ajatar (T*)     | Aarni (T)       | Aarni (T)       | Aarni (T)       | Marzanna (I*)   |
       | Devana (Dr)     | Bagiennik (Dr)  | Bagiennik (Dr)  | Bagiennik (Dr)  | Sidhe (Da***)   |
       | Eksitaja (T)    | Cikavac (I)     | Cikavac (I)     | Bannik (I*)     | Valkyrie (T***) |
       | Phouka (Da)     | Far Darrig (Da*)| Far Darrig (Da*)| Bucca (Da)      |                 |
       | Psotnik (I)     | Jotunn (T)      | Jotunn (T)      | Cikavac (I)     |                 |
       | Skrzak (Dr*)    | Kikimora (I***) | Kikimora (I***) | Far Darrig (Da*)|                 |
       | Veela (I*)      | Theena          | Leshi (Dr*)     | Jotunn (T)      |                 |
       |                 | Shee (Da***)    | Theena          | Leshi (Dr*)     |                 |
       |                 | Urisk (Da)      | Shee (Da***)    | Mara (Dr)       |                 |
       |                 | Vesna (I)       | Urisk (Da)      | Ovinnik (Dr***) |                 |
       |                 |                 | Vesna (I)       | Urisk (Da)      |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Vanr (T***)     |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Vesna (I)       |                 |
Meh    |    1.3 en/wc    |    1.7 en/wc    |    1.7 en/wc    |    1.7 en/wc    |    1.5 en/wc    |
       | Bannik (I*)     | Gwyllion (Da***)| Gwyllion (Da***)| Gwyllion (Da***)| Ajatar (T*)     | 
       | Far Darrig (Da*)| Rusalka (Dr***) | Rusalka (Dr***) | Sidhe (Da***)   | Alkonost (I)    | 
       | Gwyllion (Da***)| Samodiva (I***) | Samodiva (I***) | Valkyrie (T***) | Cu Sith (Da)    | 
       | Leshi (Dr*)     | Valkyrie (T***) | Valkyrie (T***) |                 | Devana (Dr)     |
       | Valkyrie (T***) |                 |                 |                 | Einherjar (T)   |
       | Vanr (T***)     |                 |                 |                 | Phouka (Da)     |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Psotnik (I)     |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Vytiaz (Dr)     |
       |                 |                 |                 |                 | Zmey (I***)     |
Not so |    1.2 en/wc    |    1.6 en/wc    |    1.6 en/wc    |    1.5 en/wc    |    1.3 en/wc    |
Good   | Ovinnik (Dr***) | Vanr (T***)     | Vanr (T***)     | Ajatar (T*)     | Bogatyr (Dr*)   |
       |                 |                 |                 | Alkonost (I)    | Ellyyllon (Da*) |
       |                 |                 |                 | Cu Sith (Da)    | Peikko (T*)     |
       |                 |                 |                 | Devana (Dr)     | Staalo (T*)     |
       |                 |                 |                 | Einherjar (T)   |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Eksitaja (T)    |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Phouka (Da)     |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Psotnik (I)     |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Vytiaz (Dr)     |                 |
       |                 |                 |                 | Zmey (I***)     |                 |
Poor   |      1 en/wc    |    1.5 en/wc    |    1.5 en/wc    |    1.3 en/wc    |      1 en/wc    |
       | Alkonost (I)    | Ajatar (T*)     | Ajatar (T*)     | Bogatyr (Dr*)   | Bereginia (Dr)  |
       | Bereginia (Dr)  | Alkonost (I)    | Alkonost (I)    | Ellyyllon (Da*) | Domovoi (Dr)    |
       | Bucca (Da)      | Cu Sith (Da)    | Cu Sith (Da)    | Marzanna (I*)   | Ellylldan (Da)  |
       | Cu Sith (Da)    | Devana (Dr)     | Devana (Dr)     | Peikko (T*)     | Huldra (T)      |
       | Domovoi (Dr)    | Einherjar (T)   | Einherjar (T)   | Staalo (T*)     | Kelpie (Da)     |
       | Einherjar (T)   | Eksitaja (T)    | Eksitaja (T)    |                 | Rarog (I)       |
       | Ellylldan (Da)  | Phouka (Da)     | Ovinnik (Dr***) |                 |                 |
       | Ellyyllon (Da*) | Psotnik (I)     | Phouka (Da)     |                 |                 |
       | Huldra (T)      | Ovinnik (Dr***) | Psotnik (I)     |                 |                 |
       | Jotunn (T)      | Veela (I*)      | Veela (I*)      |                 |                 |
       | Kelpie (Da)     |                 | Vytiaz (Dr)     |                 |                 |
       | Mara (Dr)       |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Marzanna (I*)   |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Peikko (T*)     |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Rarog (I)       |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Sidhe (Da***)   |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Staalo (T*)     |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Vesna (I)       |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Vytiaz (Dr)     |                 |                 |                 |                 |
       | Zmey (I***)     |                 |                 |                 |                 |
Bad    |    0.8 en/wc    |    1.3 en/wc    |    1.3 en/wc    |      1 en/wc    |                 |
       | Bogatyr (Dr*)   | Bannik (I*)     | Bannik (I*)     | Bereginia (Dr)  |                 |
       |                 | Leshi (Dr*)     | Ellyyllon (Da*) | Domovoi (Dr)    |                 |
       |                 | Marzanna (I*)   | Marzanna (I*)   | Ellylldan (Da)  |                 |
       |                 | Peikko (T*)     | Peikko (T*)     | Huldra (T)      |                 |
       |                 | Sidhe (Da***)   | Sidhe (Da***    | Kelpie (Da)     |                 |
       |                 | Staalo (T*)     | Staalo (T*)     | Rarog (I)       |                 |
Worse  |                 |    1.2 en/wc    |    1.2 en/wc    |                 |                 |
       |                 | Zmey (I***)     | Zmey (I***)     |                 |                 |
Worst  |                 |      1 en/wc    |      1 en/wc    |                 |                 |
       |                 | Bereginia (Dr)  | Bereginia (Dr)  |                 |                 |
       |                 | Bogatyr (Dr*)   | Bogatyr (Dr*)   |                 |                 |
       |                 | Bucca (Da)      | Bucca (Da)      |                 |                 |
       |                 | Domovoi (Dr)    | Domovoi (Dr)    |                 |                 |
       |                 | Ellylldan (Da)  | Ellylldan (Da)  |                 |                 |
       |                 | Ellyyllon (Da*) | Huldra (T)      |                 |                 |
       |                 | Huldra (T)      | Kelpie (Da)     |                 |                 |
       |                 | Kelpie (Da)     | Mara (Dr)       |                 |                 |
       |                 | Mara (Dr)       | Rarog (I)       |                 |                 |
       |                 | Rarog (I)       |                 |                 |                 |
       |                 | Vytiaz (Dr)     |                 |                 |                 |
     Spirit  11   12   13   14   15
      Aarni   4    6    6    6    6
     Ajatar   6    9    9    8    8
   Alkonost   9    9    9    8    8
  Bagiennik   4    6    6    6    6
     Bannik   7   10   10    6    6
  Bereginia   9   12   12   10   10
    Bogatyr  10   12   12    9    9
    Bonfire   3    3    3    2    3
      Bucca   9   12   12    6    6
    Cikavac   4    6    6    6    6
    Cu Sith   9    9    9    8    8
     Devana   6    9    9    8    8
    Domovoi   9   12   12   10   10
  Einherjar   9    9    9    8    8
   Eksitaja   6    9    9    8    4
  Ellylldan   9   12   12   10   10
  Ellyyllon   9   12   10    9    9
 Far Darrig   7    6    6    6    6
     Fenrir   5    4    4    4    5
   Gwylligi   4    1    1    1    1
   Gwyllion   7    7    7    7    5
       Hiid   1    2    2    3    4
     Huldra   9   12   12   10   10
       Irod   1    2    2    3    4
     Jotunn   9    6    6    6    6
     Kelpie   9   12   12   10   10
   Kikimora   4    6    6    1    1
   Korrigan   1    2    2    3    4
    Koschei   3    4    2    3    2
     Leshii   7   10    6    6    6
      Likho   5    5    5    5    4
       Mara   9   12   12    6    6
   Marzanna   9   10   10    9    7
     Nuggie   5    4    4    4    5
    Ovinnik   8    9    9    6    6
     Peikko   9   10   10    9    9
     Phouka   6    9    9    8    8
    Psotnik   6    9    9    8    8
      Rarog   9   12   12   10   10
    Rusalka   5    7    7    4    5
   Samodiva   5    7    7    4    5
      Sidhe   9   10   10    7    7
     Skrzak   6    2    2    3    4
     Staalo   9   10   10    9    9
Theena Shee   5    6    6    4    5
      Urisk   4    6    6    6    6
   Valkyrie   7    7    7    7    7
       Vanr   7    8    8    6    6
      Veela   6    9    9    3    4
      Vesna   9    6    6    6    6
     Vittra   2    4    4    4    5
   Vodianoi   4    1    1    1    1
     Vytiaz   9   12    9    8    8
       Zmey   9   11   11    8    8

(Damage data gathered with the help of: Asdasd, Asid3001, Bart274, Canvas310, Chronos, Cptsteve, Doof007, Emerox1, Ezaabaggett, Honor, Ironpillar, Jicama, JimShorts365, KBRJ, Knuckles, LilithLuna, MetalMilitia, micabeza, misseire, Motorslave, Navaha, PauHana, RosradVolcae, Sir-Gruth, SweetDixie, Toajallerv24, Trailertash, and Vailsixclaw)

Edited by Gabriel (July 15, 2011 12:21:19)

These things may and do change between campaigns, so it's bit of a never ending tasks you've taken onto yourself.
Considering I opted to bother with summer shadows specfic information and also noticed the energy rate change in non-earths as well, I figured that was a risk I was taking lol.

Working on adding that information as well as a bit more.

Edit: Added some missing data, fixed Zmey and Ellyyllon rarity, added Bannik to the Inrik section.

Also added credits for the players that have helped me out.

And woot at being stickied! Thanks

Edited by Seil (June 8, 2011 19:00:14)

Added Korrigan, an uncommon dannan and added Earth Theena Shee's energy rate.
More stuff:
Ellylldan E Dannan has HP 115 and XP 66
Gwylligi, Dannan, is ***, and normal has HP 325 and XP 138
Theena Shee E Dannan has XP 520
Eksitaja E Tiermes has XP 160
Ellylldan E Dannan, energy 2
Gwylligi E Dannan, XP 160
Gwylligi Normal Dannan, energy 3
Korrigan Normal Dannan, XP 108
Bagiennik E Drioma, XP 106
Bagiennik Normal Drioma, HP: 250, XP 97, Energy 2
Skrzak Normal Drioma, HP 310 XP 124
Skrzak E Drioma, HP 375, XP 153
Marzanna E Inrik, XP 381
Samodiva E Inrik, HP 860, XP 298, Energy 8
Vesna Normal Inrik, HP 350, XP 121, Energy 2
Ajatar E Tiermes, XP 193

That should finish Tiermes and Inriks unless we find ones we've missed!

ETA: Far Darrig (E Dannan) HP: 625, XP 214.
Bereginia (E Drioma) HP 115, XP 66, Energy 2

Edited by Gabriel (June 9, 2011 06:56:12)

Updated information with statistics provided above, fixed a couple other things as well.

I already had some Earth Skrzak data but it was in conflict with what Gabriel provided, I replaced it but if anyone would confirm which one is correct it would be much appreciated, the previous statistics were:

Skrzak (Earth)
HP: 370
Experience: 142
Energy: 4

Also added a note to the top of the post relating to number of spirits and some information which could use some clarifying.
I'm sorry, Seil, that was a mistake on my part. VODIANOI E Drioma has HP 375 and XP 153. It was right beneath Skrzak on my sheet.
Urisk - Dannon - E
250 hp
100 xp
2 energy

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