iPhone 4 - Playing with Location Services OFF (or "Parking" your spawn)
- Bardfinn
- Awakened
The App Store rating on the content is 9+. This indicates that there are some things in the game that are inappropriate viewing for children under 9. The Terms of Service states that the individual playing must be 18+. This is a condition of using the application. The first is an advisory on whether you might be offended and whether you ought to let your children watch you play the game. The second is part of the basis of a contract of adhesion, a legally binding contract that (in the united states at least) is unable to be consented to by legal minors (under 18). As the game involves purchases of goods/services in-game (potions), such action constitutes a purchase, and (in the united states at least) such a purchase is a credit purchase, which again is on the basis of a contract - which are not enforceable against minors, as under US law, minors are unable to consent to contracts.
So there you go. I am not a lawyer, not YOUR lawyer, and this is not legal advice. This is merely my understanding of basic legal principles and is my opinion ONLY. DO NOT RELY ON THIS INFORMATION UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY YOUR OWN LEGAL COUNSEL. Cover-my-ass disclaimer ENDS.
So there you go. I am not a lawyer, not YOUR lawyer, and this is not legal advice. This is merely my understanding of basic legal principles and is my opinion ONLY. DO NOT RELY ON THIS INFORMATION UNLESS INSTRUCTED TO DO SO BY YOUR OWN LEGAL COUNSEL. Cover-my-ass disclaimer ENDS.
- CyroFlowBlade
- Arcanist
Hyac i was reffering to the rating in game store it should be the same as 18+ because if a kid found the game on there, they wouldnt bother reading the terms of service for age becasue they think their old enough and bardfinn. Credit or debit purchase ive only spent my own money from my debit card on this game. i am 17 but the 18 for contract thing is correct.
- Hyac
- Awakened
An iTunes store account is required to make either purchases in the app store or in-game. From what I know, a debit card cannot be associated with an iTunes store account; to do this, one must have a valid credit card number or an iTunes gift card. I've only ever used iTunes gift cards, though, so please correct me if I'm wrong.
That aside, Bardfinn's post re: the difference between the iTunes rating and the age requirement in the ToS more than adequately describes the situation as I personally understand it. The rating in the app store is similar to a rating from the ESRB, which are merely guidelines for aiding in parental decision-making; whereas the age in the ToS are a form of legal contract that in most countries cannot be entered into by a minor.
Sadly, though, in no country that I'm aware of is ignorance of the law a valid excuse for its violation. Just because they didn't read the ToS doesn't mean they're exempt from them.
That aside, Bardfinn's post re: the difference between the iTunes rating and the age requirement in the ToS more than adequately describes the situation as I personally understand it. The rating in the app store is similar to a rating from the ESRB, which are merely guidelines for aiding in parental decision-making; whereas the age in the ToS are a form of legal contract that in most countries cannot be entered into by a minor.
Sadly, though, in no country that I'm aware of is ignorance of the law a valid excuse for its violation. Just because they didn't read the ToS doesn't mean they're exempt from them.
Edited by Hyac (Sept. 25, 2011 02:35:24)