Tired of getting your structures destroyed over and over again?

Here's a tip:

Get used to it.

Shadow Cities is not a building game. The structures are not meant to be permanent. Unless you set them up to some secure place where the opponent won't find them, they will get destroyed. Possibly many times a day.

There are some things you can do:
1) Make destroying them harder. Place wards and catchers. Heal your structures to max health (see: http://www.shadowcities.com/forum/topic/328/)
2) Make sure that you harvest more points out of your dominators than the opponents get when they eventually destroy them. If they get knocked down before you have harvested enough points, your are doing the opponents a favor.
3) Give up harvesting and place your doms at secure beacons around the world for uninterrupted power generation. Make points by other means.

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