Animator's color scheme needs a slight adjustment?

Maybe have the option, accessible through the player screen or something, to change the display colors in general. Official colors are orange and green, but you could also use pink/white or blue/beige or whatever if you really wanted to.
They already are prime colors, Red Green Blue.

Animators ought to be BROWN as they are such dirt dwellers

Then we could sing the South Park Chef song Salted Chocolate Balls

Edited by Fazerina (June 16, 2011 15:20:46)

Considering the Tree is our symbolic image, it makes more sense to leaf us as green. You really don't run into a lot of green dirt, so I'd opt into modifying that to a color somewhere between brown and yellow. Too dark will be difficult to see. [And yes, that was intentional, so just leaf me alone.]
animator have to stay green is their color!

but i cannot believe that who project SC made this mistake.. is crazy..
Don't forget, if the color scheme is shifted to a brown/yellow close enough to the Architect orange, we could have the same problem.

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