Finding Gateways?

Not sure if this has been asked before, but how do I find the nearest gateway? From what I can tell there doesn't seem to be one anywhere in my immediate area, and without a nearby gateway I can't harvest my Dominators (which, from what I can tell so far, seems to be a key element in the game).

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
The GW locations are mostly based on data from, so you could check your nearest GW from there. The interesting question is you location. Here in Finland we have sparsely populated areas where GWs are thinly spread, but I have never heard that the nearest GW would be to far away for building a dominator.
Thanks for the info! I've checked, and my city is definitely on there (131,000 people, so we're not tiny by any stretch). Should the gateway simply appear on the cloud map? Or would I need to drive around town one day hoping it pops up somewhere?
Apparently GA is still working on the Canadian GWs. Perhaps there will be more in your area later.

You actually don't need to see the GW in order to build dominators and harvest them. You just need to be close enough. However, you need to see the actual GW if you want to became the shadow lord of the area.
The Gandalf
At the bottom of your screen is text idetifying the nearest GW. You can just make dominator and it automatically attaches to that GW. How ever, if text says Unknown realm, then it means that you are too far away from the nearest GW. (helps finding a GW anyway, just have to go out there and wonder around untill GW name appears to the screen).
You can also look at your cloudview map. All the spots (called energy gateways) in that map are gateways which are near enough for you to harvest.
Sigh. Mine says Unknown Realm. Kinda surprising considering I live in a pretty major area. Oh well -- I'm sure they'll get around to adding something near me soon.
I am having the same problem Jimmy - unknown.

I plopped a beacon and some Doms near work. It's not ideal - but at least you can participate a bit if you try something like that.
I have this same problem in Finland, at my work place. Cant summon dominators because the nearest gateway is too far. unknown realm it says at my work place, in Kirkniemi.
Maarpakka is the nearest gw, but still too far. I tried to leave beacon there, but then again it was too far away to harvest dominators. Distance to harvest, you guys should rethink it. Not everyone lives in major cities..
Just a quick update for those who were wondering -- once I traveled about 2 km west towards the city centre, Shadow Cities recognized where I was and showed me where the gateway in my city is. When I come home again I'm still unknown, but as a workaround I've set up my beacon 2km west of my home, as well as some dominators. I can warp there, and since it's close enough to both me and the gateway, I can harvest. Yay for Jim!

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