
Shadow Anniversary - Triumphs and Remembrances

To the enlightened mage, time may no longer appear to be the indefinite continuation of existence that occurs in immutable succession from past to future. In the shadow, time can no longer be measured with respect to the position of the sun, the stars, and the moon. Despite these awakened realities, it remains clear to all that on this week, one earth year has passed since the spirits of Dannan, Tiermes, Inrik, and Drioma passed beyond the shadow's veil, forever altering our destinies.

Shadow Cities celebrates this week, the one year anniversary of its official launch! To honor ...


Shadow Hymns - Melody in the Echo

Knowledge and understanding alone are not enough to sustain the mage who follows the long path toward enlightenment. To truly become connected with the magic of the shadow, one must let go of the feebleness of words and thought, allowing only the reverberations of the echo to take hold of the mind and body. It's only through the transcendent power of the echo's melody that true limitless can be obtained.

The 'Shadow Hymns' campaign will begin Monday, May 21 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to ...


Embracing the Light - Introspection in Shadow

In order to achieve enlightenment, each mage must look within the deepest recesses of their own consciousness. No matter how obscured the vision becomes by darkness, or lost one ends up in shadow, embracing the light that exists inside us will always help guide us down the proper path. Do you aspire to obtain the wisdom, perception, and reason needed to navigate away from the confusion of the external shadow, toward the understanding revealed by your internal light?

The 'Embracing the Light' campaign will begin Monday, May 14 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full ...


Life Bearer's Grace - Influence and Origin

While unlocking the ancient powers of the shadow, overcoming all its great tribulations and relentless trials, it becomes increasingly important to remember one's origins. Long before a mage can become enlightened, they must first enter the world as an infant, protected and guided by the grace of their life-bearer. Whether one's beginning was humble, or fueled by great opportunity, the thread that binds is in knowing that each journey first began with the markings of our earliest influence.

The 'Life Bearers Grace' campaign will begin Monday, May 7 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for ...


Lunar Meditation - Channeling the Light

The source of true power radiates from the heart of the echo, existing well beyond the depths of the shadow's veil. In order to tap into this power and harness the magic it offers, the mage must establish a deep connection between both the shadow and the cosmos. When the full moon rises, the veil that separates earth and shadow becomes thin, and the enlightened few are granted opportunity to meditate much deeper, accessing the shadow's power with greater ease. Who among you will seek to channel light from dark, during the 'Lunar Meditation' campaign?

The 'Lunar Meditation ...


Tome of Secrets - Instrument of Power

Since the passage of time was first observed, those called enlightened, have worked endlessly to preserve the unlocked secrets of both past and future. By sealing away the powerful words of the hidden truths, those aspiring toward greatness remain forever tempted by the opportunity to discover and seize this archived power. How though, will you want history to remember you? As someone whose thoughts helped shape the total scope of understanding, or as the one who simply gained control of what it means to understand?

The 'Tome of Secrets' campaign will begin Monday, April 23 at approximately 4:00 AM ...


Shadow Amethyst - Honor Earth and Shade

The true mage's quest for power is endless, forever seeking to rise above old limitations and ways of being. On the arduous path of such transformation, each mage must find their own way, though early on most become aware of certain truths widely deemed universal. The most important of these truths, according to the most venerable of mages, regards the source for true power. It is the knowledge that all power, even what the shadow provides, comes first from the earth. Before we can truly harness all it hopes to offer, we must first respect and honor that which ...


Disturbing Clarity - Influenced by Shadow

The path to true knowledge is often obstructed, not only by the physical, but also by limitations created within the space of our own minds. To become fully enlightened, one must learn to look upon truth, in its complete and all-inclusive form. Only by standing amidst the shadow, and becoming lost in its echo can we hope to gain the disturbing clarity necessary to view that which is both all-encompassing and universal.

The 'Disturbing Clarity' campaign will begin Monday, April 9 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to ...


Treasures of the Hunt - Colors in the Shadow

Out of the Shadow come the spirits of old, both powerful and dangerous, but also a source of overwhelming reward. Not all gain can be measured in power and strength alone, however. Some treasures are received by the acknowledgment of beauty, the recognition of the abstract, or through the simple gesture of sharing our most colorful moments with others, whose sight has been darkened by shadow.

During the 'Treasures of the Hunt' campaign, we will be randomly rewarding 10 mages with Academy stickers among everyone who captures a screenshot of their favorite assortment of colorful spirits, catchers, friends, or foes ...


Reborn in the Shadow - Rejuvenated Energies

As spring begins to bring about new life, rejuvenating the natural energies around us, an inner-peace can be felt by all who have seen passed the shadow's veil. With the invigorating energy of the spring bloom entering the shadow, the magnitude of power increases greatly for those capable of tapping into its power. Will you take advantage of your new sense of tranquility, focus, and vitality, during the 'Reborn in the Shadow' campaign?

During this week's campaign, all mages will notice that the rate at which health regenerates, based on the Vitality attribute, has been significantly increased! All ...