Dec. 17, 2012
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In order for balance to be achieved on this earth, the shadow must not be allowed to overtake the world. Mages of great power must be willing to step up and bring light into these dark times. Do you possess the willpower and fortitude to stand against the shadow and shine your light ever so brightly?
The 'Balance in Shadow' campaign will begin December 17 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total energy gains can be tracked on ...
Dec. 10, 2012
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This week's campaign, 'Eternal Shadows - Journey into the Light' was chosen as part of last week's Campaign Naming contest arranged on our Facebook page and Twitter. Congratulations to Lyricalus of the Animators for submitting the winning entry for the contest! Special thanks also go to everyone who took part in the competition!
The 'Eternal Shadows' campaign will begin Monday, December 10 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total energy gains can be tracked on the leader ...
Dec. 7, 2012
Comments (4)
The time has come once more to call upon the brilliance of the Shadow Cities community for yet another Campaign Naming Contest! Simply come up with a title and slogan for the associated medal and post your idea to our Facebook wall or tweet it to us (@shadowcities) latest on Sunday, December 9 and we'll choose our favorite! The winner's name and academy will be credited in the announcement! We look forward to reading each of your submissions!
Please also feel free to view titles and slogans for all previous campaigns for inspiration on our official campaign page.
Dec. 3, 2012
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As winter brings its chill to the night, the shadow's veil remains open and its passengers, unhindered. The spirits of long passed traverse our world, unaffected by the season, and only those resilient enough to endure winter's harsh bite can hope to banish such trespassers. Will you face the bitter cold in hopes of ridding our world of unwanted spirits, or will you do nothing and allow them to claim your home as their own?
The 'Winter Shadows' campaign will begin Monday, December 3 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual ...
Nov. 26, 2012
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As the shadow bleeds itself upon the earth, many seek the powers of old in hopes of bringing light into the dark. It's not enough to simply wield magic, in order to possess real potential for change, it must be harnessed and mastered. How will you choose to be remembered, as one who allowed the shadow to overcome them, or as the one who overcame the shadow?
The 'Light From Dark' campaign will begin Monday, November 26 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at ...
Nov. 19, 2012
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As the age old battle for magic wages on, even the most devout warriors of the shadow recognize the time and place for moments of peace. Some times opportunity to know the mind of one's adversary can provide an advantage during a time of need. In rarer occasions, opportunity to know the heart of one's adversary can offer a time when no advantage is needed at all.
The 'Architect and Animator' campaign will begin Monday, November 19 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors ...
Nov. 12, 2012
Comment (1)
Even in the light of day, the dark of night can reign supreme when governed by the cosmic shadow. Very few have the fortitude to withstand the raw power brought about during the false hour of darkness. Will you choose to reach for the light when the darkness comes, or try and steal the very darkness that bled out the light?
The 'Hour of Darkness' campaign will begin Monday, November 12 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total ...
Nov. 4, 2012
Comment (1)
Even mages wielding the most powerful magic from the shadows can at times stumble or fall. What's important is not the fall itself, but how one recovers and learns from their misstep. How will you define yourself in this era of magic, as one who failed to persevere or one who persevered despite failure?
The 'Treason in the Shadow' campaign will begin Monday, November 5 at approximately 4:00 AM PST and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total energy gains can be tracked ...
Oct. 29, 2012
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Even the most perceptive of mages must rely heavily on their wits in order to avoid being fooled by the trickery of shadow when it creeps upon the night. Animator and Architect alike must risk the chance of madness as they channel powerful energies from the depths of the echo. Which of you will survive the waves of darkness that seek to corrupt not only the mind, but the fabric of existance itself?
The 'Shadow Trickery' campaign will begin Monday, October 29 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided ...
Oct. 22, 2012
Comments (2)
This campaign, 'Shadow Highness - The Imperial Victory' was chosen as part of last week's Campaign Naming contest. Congratulations to SkyKira of the Animators for submitting the winning entry for the contest. Special thanks to everyone who participated! 
The 'Shadow Highness' campaign will begin Monday, October 22 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total energy gains can be tracked on the leader board. You can also view the results of each campaign and round on our global battlegroup ...
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