June 9, 2011
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The race to control the Summer Energy continues as Animators and Architects battle for control over Finland, Sweden and realms all across North America. The Animators maintain a strong hold over most of the territories gained from the Four Houses campaign. While all energy gains help your Academy, during the Summer Shadows campaign Earth Spirits reward more energy than ever!
The Summer Shadow campaign started Monday, June 6 2011 and will run for one week. The campaign is a three round competition that rewards mana potions and medals based on your individual contributions in your local battlegroup leader board! Click ...
June 6, 2011
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Summer has arrived and the Summer Shadows Campaign has officially begun! The earth mother is in bloom and gives new strength to the spirits of earth passing through the Shadows. While these newly energized Earth Spirits represent a dangerous threat, this increase of power now also allows Mages to gain more energy when capturing them.
The Summer Shadows campaign began Monday June 6, 2011 at approximately 11:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. The campaign will be split into three rounds during which time all Green Earth Spirits will have increased health but also provide more ...
June 3, 2011
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Things are really starting to heat up as the Animators and Architects vie for control over the United States. While the Architects may have control over much of the North East and West Coast, the Animators maintain a strong foothold in many central states. With this foothold the tides of battle can quickly change, especially as the Spirits of the Four Houses continue to pour through breeches in the seal to the Shadow World.
The second round of the Four Houses campaign ends June 4, 2011 at approximately 12AM PDT. To learn more about Shadow Cities Campaigns, click here.
May 30, 2011
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Magic was torn out of this world over 600 years ago... and now it’s back!
Spirits, some long forgotten, pour through from the Shadow World and seek out other magical beings. There are rumored to be four houses of these spirits, each from a different breach in the seal between the planes.
One of these breaches has been located near the British Isles, one in Northern Europe, and two in Eastern Europe. Through these breaches pour the spirits of Dannan, Tiermes, Inrik, and Drioma into our world.
Dive deeper into the history of Shadow Cities by reading the Brief ...
May 24, 2011
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Get ready to conquer the cities of northern hemisphere as Northern Lights Campaign starts in a couple of hours. Besides few changes to the combat rules, Northern Lights re-introduces the Battlegroup Beacons: Animator High Command and Architect Battle Control.
The commanders of the losing Academy redouble their strategic support, creating Battlegroup Beacons to strike against the winning side, while the commanders of the winning Academy tend to spare their resources for the rainy day.
Battlegroup Beacons appear in the Cloudview for the whole Battlegroup team. Additionally you will get a message of a new Battlegroup Beacon in the Main View ...
May 24, 2011
Comments (4)
The Architect network dominated the capitals of Sweden, Canada and Finland by keeping Stockholm, Ottawa and Helsinki Gateways in their hold the biggest part of the Frodleikr Campaign. Fierce battles for Gateways were seen in biggest cities, but this week the magic of the Architects was overwhelming!
Lucky winners of the Shadow Cities customized iPhone 4 skins are: Jokeri, Vastarakki and Boogeypete from Finland, Hauk, IZON and Elisa from Sweden, and Wrath, Dawar and Telachii from Canada. We'll contact all of the winners through email for details.
Next Campaign starting May 24th
Architects were most victorious in Finland where ...
May 20, 2011
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Congrats to Architects! Canada, Sweden and Finland are all under Architect domination after the first round of Frodleikr Campaign.
Animators, the round two will be your chance to take back the cities!
Round two of Frodleikr Campaign starts in less than an hour. Go!
May 18, 2011
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Frodleikr Campaign brings changes to Battlegroup system. During the Campaign we'll be also welcoming Canadian Mages to join the battle over the cities. We'll let you know as soon as Shadow Cities is available for download in Canada!
Here's how the new Battlegroups are formed:
- Battlegroups are formed of all the Mages of one of the three countries: Finland, Sweden and Canada. Instead of globally assigned Battlegroups of 100 Mages, you are now assigned to the same Battlegroup with all the Mages of your country.
- This means that you will see all the Mages of your country ...
May 9, 2011
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It's out now! The new Shadow Cities client version 1.1.0 is available to download on Finnish iTunes App Stores. Unicorn is the first Campaign to introduce the new Battlegroup system. Read a short introduction to Battlegroups, what else is new in the new client and known issues & bugs. How do the Battlegroups work? Every Campaign consists of three Rounds. For every Round, players are assigned into new Teams, which are paired against each other, forming 100-player Battlegroups. Each Round lasts for 48 hours and each Campaign consists of three Rounds. You can see all the Mages of ...
May 5, 2011
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Phoenix Campaign ends the beta phase in Finland. Get ready to conquer new cities as we release the new Shadow Cities client version next Monday May 9th. The world conquer starts from Finland and Sweden. More information to follow on monday - stay tuned!
Winners of Shadow Cities customized iPhone skins
The lucky winners of Shadow Cities customized iPhone 4 skins are: Ilmora of the Animators, Anvil of the Architects and Mom of the Animators. Winners were drawn from all Mages who gathered 2000 or more Campaign Energy and will be contacted through email.
The World Leaderboard of Phoenix Campaign:
1 ...
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