Shadow Anniversary - Triumphs and Remembrances
By Campaigns — Comments (5)
on May 28, 2012 inTo the enlightened mage, time may no longer appear to be the indefinite continuation of existence that occurs in immutable succession from past to future. In the shadow, time can no longer be measured with respect to the position of the sun, the stars, and the moon. Despite these awakened realities, it remains clear to all that on this week, one earth year has passed since the spirits of Dannan, Tiermes, Inrik, and Drioma passed beyond the shadow's veil, forever altering our destinies.
Shadow Cities celebrates this week, the one year anniversary of its official launch! To honor this special occasion, we are asking mages to share with us their favorite moments in the shadow! You can share your special Shadow Cities moments in the manner of your choosing, by publishing a story, posting a screenshot, or even through creative means, such as drawing a picture depicting your cherished memory. Shortly after the week ends, we'll be rewarding mages among our five favorites submissions, with an official Shadow Cities t-shirt, academy stickers, and 50 mana potions!
To be eligible, simply share your experience with us and the rest of the community by posting them to our Facebook wall, making sure to include your mage name and academy along with your submission. It's been a very special year for all of us, and we look forward to all the wonderful things our next year will bring!
The 'Shadow Anniversary' campaign will begin Monday, May 28 at approximately 4:00 AM PDT and will run for one full week. Individual rewards will be provided to top contributors at the end of each round and total energy gains can be tracked on the leader board. You can also view the results of each campaign and round on our global battlegroup campaign page.
If you would like to discuss the weekly campaigns, visit our Campaign forum!