Feedback Survey - Help Us Develop Shadow Cities!

We would really love to better understand your experiences, so that we can make the game better for you and your friends!

You can help us by answering our short feedback survey from the link below. There are only five questions to answer, and your help will be greatly appreciated!

Click here to take the survey


  1. BotenRomeo
    BotenRomeo (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 11:23 a.m.
    Very good initiative ! A good way to show that you are listening to us :) Way to go !
  2. Stomresearch
    Stomresearch (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 11:30 a.m.
    I enjoyed filling out the survey. Thanks for listening to us :)
  3. Depth
    Depth (Scholar) on 03/29/2012 11:52 a.m.
    I loved the survey. :)
  4. KuCuRu
    KuCuRu (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 11:54 a.m.
    Very nice! Would love to see our feedback results once the survey is done.
  5. SilentApostle
    SilentApostle (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 12:17 p.m.
    Great idea. 3 changes would be a good advancement
  6. Shekkara
    Shekkara (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 12:46 p.m.
    I want to add something I forgot in the suvey: RE-WRITE THE ARCHITECT FLAVOR TEXT. It's lame. When new players are choosing sides, the Animators have a nice intro and the Architects have a lame sentence. Seriously. Fix this. I could write a better intro in five minutes.
  7. LordYeroc2
    LordYeroc2 (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 1:44 p.m.
    Pet spirits XD
  8. Arkane
    Arkane (Arcanist) on 03/29/2012 2:31 p.m.
    Awesome, i like surveys. :) Sadly we only got to choose 3 of the choices, but my number one choice is more spells. Keep up the good work guys.
  9. Ulysses
    Ulysses (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 2:35 p.m.
    promising start. hope we're actually listened to. i remember a similar survey from last autumn but never saw any implementation from it except for the new levels added in december.
  10. NeverNamed
    NeverNamed (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 2:40 p.m.
    I've been very critical lately towards GA but this time I want to thank you for actually taking the time to listening to the community. :) I hope to see some new features added soon.
  11. Roen
    Roen (Master) on 03/29/2012 3:02 p.m.
    Yes.. results would be great if you could share them :) Any highlights uptil now?
  12. Toajoa
    Toajoa (Mystic) on 03/29/2012 3:38 p.m.
    Honestly, I would have to agree with what Shekkara said. One of the reasons that I chose the animators is because they had an interesting intro. I still would have chosen them in the end, but if the architect's intro was improved, I would have had a much more difficult time choosing, and would make me think about what kind of a decision I am making.
  13. DefaultHuman
    DefaultHuman (Archmage) on 03/29/2012 4:37 p.m.
    Thank you for listening and for the opportunity to weigh in on potential changes.
  14. Sinjintiger
    Sinjintiger (Enlightened) on 03/29/2012 4:51 p.m.
    That last question... I could go on and on. This game seems half-finished sometimes. Looks/sounds great, good potential, but needs actual new features instead of incremental number raising. They could learn a few things from FB games and others.
  15. Shadow-beast
    Shadow-beast (Enlightened) on 03/29/2012 6:18 p.m.
    Where was that box "over 1 year"? I need it :D
  16. JaceyLight
    JaceyLight (Visionary) on 03/29/2012 6:55 p.m.
    This is very much appreciated I like the idea of pet spirits it's cute and sounds like something i did in a sc is real rp a few months ago
  17. Aiai25
    Aiai25 (Scholar) on 03/29/2012 7:29 p.m.
    Good idea to do this.
  18. Zael-11
    Zael-11 (Arcanist) on 03/29/2012 8:31 p.m.
    I'm not sure what you were trying to get from rating spells. attack, heal, bcn, and harvest are really required to play. other than that, thanks for listening.
  19. FallenGabriel
    FallenGabriel (Evoker) on 03/30/2012 3:07 a.m.
    Personally, the biggest thing I would like to see implemented is more spells. I'm big on this, especially more varied attack spells, to add a bit of strategy to the game.
  20. Agent
    Agent (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 6:08 a.m.
    i can not check any boxes? I must be doing it wrong..
  21. Agent
    Agent (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 6:12 a.m.
    Yes I was doing it wrong..
  22. Anvar
    Anvar (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 2 p.m.
    Interesting. GA personally sent me a different survey, asking why I left SC. I appreciate that they FINALLY wish to hear my words (those who know me understand what I'm saying), but I will continue my self-imposed exile until I see the situation drastically improve. Regardless, kudos for waking up to your client base, GA.
  23. Snogripple
    Snogripple (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 3:04 p.m.
    I enjoyed taking the survey! I struggled with picking three features and spent hours discussing it in newsfeed :) I mentioned two issues near to my heart in the comments: replacing pull to cv with pinch only and fixing the pm system. Thanks again for the survey and cheers to a bright future in the shadows.
  24. Drtbike59
    Drtbike59 (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 5:48 p.m.
    It is nice to see anvar is possibly thinking of coming back if changes are made. I have recently went into retirement until I see a great change come about. I would also like to thank grey area for giving us the chance for feedback with this survey. Looking forward to see what the voices shall bring to the field. :n)
  25. GraftonDougal
    GraftonDougal (Archmage) on 03/30/2012 8:15 p.m.
    Thank you for allowing us to provide free-form feedback. I believe the mages out there have a lot of great ideas, and having a free-form feedback section allows us to provide more detailed feedback than what can be achieved in a "rate this feature" format. Thanks for listening!
  26. Hiss
    Hiss (Archmage) on 03/31/2012 3:31 p.m.
    Finished this survey 8 times; maybe we will get some changes before xmas 2012 thanks
  27. rib
    rib (Master) on 03/31/2012 5:52 p.m.
    This survey is an important step to improve game. The most important is to not cause laggness to game when introducing new features. Do take note. Cheers.

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