Version 1.4.4 Now Available On App Store

Download the latest Shadow Cities update now from your local iTunes App Store for free!

Version 1.4.4 introduces new daily missions, which appear now in your Mission Log. Daily missions are long-term goals with bigger rewards than regular missions. The daily mission stays in your Mission Log until you complete it. You will receive a new daily mission 18 hours after the previous one was completed.

Additionally this update includes few minor changes to the new player tutorial. Dominators and Gateways headers are now also shown with team colors.

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If you have any questions or feedback about the game, contact us here.



  1. Seldon
    Seldon (Archmage) on 03/14/2012 1:32 p.m.
    Sounds intriguing. Did you change the new player introduction so the two sides alternate, instead of the Animators always being listed first?
  2. L-Ektryx
    L-Ektryx (Enlightened) on 03/14/2012 1:43 p.m.
    In the app store is says "pinch to cloud view" as if that is new.... yet there I don't seem to notice any difference from the old cloud view entry methods. I still wish the academy doms would go away.. I like the new missions and the headers are nice looking but how about something that we WANT ..key words..WE WANT..just sayin.. #hashtag
  3. Seldon
    Seldon (Archmage) on 03/14/2012 1:48 p.m.
    Getting rid of the academy doms (which need to go before we lose the rest of our current players) would not be part of an app update.
  4. Anvar
    Anvar (Archmage) on 03/14/2012 3:37 p.m.
    So, ya'll finally added that VfW feature? Nice. Still, not enough to get me back in.
  5. Kieri
    Kieri (Magister) on 03/14/2012 6:39 p.m.
    I get endless "finding your location". Well done.
  6. Lakuja
    Lakuja (Enlightened) on 03/14/2012 7:41 p.m.
    Sounds like fun...
  7. NecroMamba
    NecroMamba (Master) on 03/16/2012 3:58 p.m.
    Well Khamos, my personal opinion is that I find the doms to be helpful in completing missions I normally can't. But if you want to lure the players back in droves, then check out the SC Revolution. Guaranteed to psych people up, bring in more players, and increase the purchasing of pots. We will be in touch. Hail the Revolution!
  8. Shekkara
    Shekkara (Archmage) on 03/18/2012 2:19 p.m.
    I want to know if daily missions expire. The mission itself does not say. If you live in a gateway-less area and get the "harvest 7 doms" daily mission, are you stuck with that mission forever or will it eventually expire and flip over to a new mission?

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