Shadow Stories

Shadow Stories has returned with an epic fan fiction account of an Animator who connects with the secrets and philosophies of an age long forgotten. Congratulations to Slinki of the Animators for submitting this awesome story and winning a customized Shadow Cities skin for iPhone 4!

“Fighting on the front-line has never really been my thing. Don't get me wrong I love nature with all the passion and ferocity of any Animator, but they're peaple too, miss-guided, but the life force is just as strong in them, as it is in us. I dreampt of time when we could all harvest in peace, and cease our endless struggles for gateways.”

Read the whole story here!

Have a story you want to tell? Share with us ANY creative writing piece, comic, video or non-fictional recount of Shadow Cities and we’ll blog our favorites on as well as our Facebook page.

Anyone can participate in the ‘Shadow Stories’ blog. Simply think of a story or concept you want to share and send it to [email protected] in the style of your creative choosing! 

Don’t forget to put ‘Shadow Stories’ in the subject line of your email! If your story is picked, not only will we publish your telling, we will also sending you a cool customized Shadow Cities skin for iPhone 4!


  1. Miztres
    Miztres (Magister) on 10/30/2011 11:55 p.m.
    What's the email address? Going blind it seems, can't find it.
  2. Miztres
    Miztres (Magister) on 10/30/2011 11:56 p.m.
    Scratch that. [email protected]

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